Frequently asked questions

Here you will find the most frequently asked questions about shopping on our website and concerning our car care products.

Our products are developed in such a way that no dangerous chemicals are contained and you receive gentle but effectively convincing results. Even if you are not a car care professional, you will be able to use our products without any risk to material or health. In case of doubt, please use our hotline to get tips and application instructions.

Depending on the goal you are pursuing in your vehicle care, different products can be useful for you. Our product portfolio is segmented according to application areas. If you can't find the right product or are not sure whether you have made the right choice, please feel free to visit our blog, where we regularly provide you with tips, tricks and application information. Or call us on our hotline: 0621483450260

We often hear this question at trade fairs and in discussions with customers. It is a fact that the car care industry is as diverse as the car market itself. Sometimes it takes time to find the right model or accessory for you. We promise you that we will not only supply products that are easy to use and provide long-lasting results, but that we will also support you in your choice and application as best we can. 

The simple answer: because then it would be hard as a rock. 

The professional answer: Carnauba wax is the hardest natural wax in the world. However, it cannot be processed in its pure form.

A wax for paint care therefore consists of many components. When evaluating a wax, it is important to correctly understand the unit of measurement for carnauba waxes. A distinction is made between "%" (percentage) and "VOL. %" (volume percent). Percent means a fixed proportion (25% = 25 grams of wax per 100 grams of total wax), volume percent means a relative proportion in relation to the density of the material. This means that vol.% indicates a higher number, but you actually do not know how many grams of wax are contained per wax jar. 

As a rule, we only provide product samples to commercial customers. However, we regularly enclose product samples with orders if we have them in stock.

The term "detailer" comes from the English-speaking world and refers to both the vehicle conditioner and a quick care product. Detailer or Quick Detailer exist for the exterior and interior, are usually products for quick application and help to literally bring out "details". 

As we do not store products in our office by default and our warehouse is decentralized, we are happy to receive your registration in time so that we can prepare the desired products.

Normally this is not a problem! If you have not yet received a shipping confirmation, call or email us and we can add products to your order.

Best before dates vary depending on the product. Waxes, for example, can last for years if stored correctly (cool, protected from light and temperature resistant). Liquid products such as polishes or cleaners usually last for 2-3 years.Â